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Charlie is a photographer, musician and writer.

Charlie’s creative practice began in Scotland, where her life trajectory from St Andrews to North Berwick allowed her to chase and translate the ever-changing Scottish waterscape into documented, experiential art. Drawn primarily to water, their textures and moods, Charlie explores the subliminal interplay between water and humans, reflecting the emotional reality of both the subject and the perceiver.

Informed by her landscape architectural background, Charlie also works with elements of the built environment as a subject of intrigue that complements the natural landscape. The intentionality present in the natural and built environments inspires her to document the connection we have to them. 

Climate resilience is also at the heart of Charlie’s practice. The backdrop to her artistic lens is the deteriorating state of the environment and the duty to protect and adapt what we have. By capturing the beauty and the sentiments of the now, Charlie creates visual, auditory and written accounts of the impact our immediate environment has to the makeup of our being. 

Charlie is now based in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. 


© Charlie Bae 2024. All rights reserved.